
“Jazz is about being in the moment”- Herbie Hancock.

Here at St. James’ Episcopal Church, we celebrate the music of freedom and life. Every year we come together to share in the moment and to immerse ourselves in its embrace and history.  Join us for concerts and the Jazz Mass on November 10-12, 2023.    This year’s festival will feature the world-class trumpeter, Tom Browne, as well as the Jeremy George trio.

Watch The Saturday Night Concert

Schedule for the 2023 Festivities

Jazz at St. James’ with Tom Browne on November 10-12, 2023

Friday Night

6:00 pm: Social Hour in Founders Hall at St. James’

6:30 pm: Doors open for in-person guests.

7:00 pm: The concert begins in-person and online HERE.

Download theProgramHere

Featuring the legendary trumpeter Tom Browne
and the Jeremy George trio:
Jeremy George, Bass
Seth Anders, Piano
Justin Hights, Drums

Saturday Night

6:00 pm: Social Hour in Founders Hall at St. James’

6:30 pm: Doors open for in-person guests.

7:00 pm: The concert begins in-person and online


Download theProgramHere

Featuring the legendary trumpeter Tom Browne
and the Jeremy George trio:
Jeremy George, Bass
Seth Anders, Piano
Justin Hights, Drums

Tonight, we’ll be presenting the A.D. Mannion Award.

Sunday Jazz Masses

10:30 am: Join us in person for a joyous service of worship. You can also live stream by going to https://stjamesaustin.org/worship-online/.




The Jazz Mass is our annual Feast of Holy Improvisation at St. James’ Episcopal Church. It is a divine celebration of music and the spirit. Tom Browne will be joined by the Jeremy George Trio and the St. James’ Choir. The Rev. Eileen O’Brien, Rector of St. James’, will preach. The Lonnie Jackson Award will be presented.

Donate to support music at St. James’.

Jazz at St. James’ is always an exceptional musical and community event. This year, I’m particularly excited to hear saxophonist Don Braden and some of the the best jazz musicians Austin has to offer.

Alex Coke

“Jazz is a generational thing. My grandfather, my father, my mother, my sisters and I love jazz, and my six year old niece loves what she calls fancy music!” – Rodney Wormley

Our Sponsors

We could not present Jazz at St. James’ without the support of our incredible sponsors.  Their generous and gracious commitment year after year means that we can continue to bring great musicians to our stage.

Austin Jazz Society         Henna Chevrolet

New School of Music      Texas Jazz & Blues Camp